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Un-%^ck Your Hips 6-week System

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Upgrade your hips and level up your life this fall with 6 weeks of live group classes that will teach you how to take care of your body's foundation and improve it daily.

This program is ideal for:

  • runners entering their offseason, to manage and prevent IT band issues

  • golfers wanting to add distance and increase accuracy in the drives

  • athletes of any rotational sport really, like tennis, baseball, hockey, etc.

  • regular exercisers that have been neglecting their basic mobility work

  • "non-exercisers" that nevertheless want to move and feel better in daily life

  • anyone that can't currently squat down comfortably for any reason

Classes start Monday, November 1st 2021 and will run for 6 weeks.

Each week there will be two classes: Monday @ 7 AM CST, and Thursday @ 6 PM CST

(links sent out after registration)

You don't need to come to both, as the content covered will be the same, though if you'd like to that's totally encouraged.

During each class:

  • the first 10 minutes are to get oriented and celebrate wins so far

  • the next 20 minutes is the class itself: 4 sections of 5 minutes each, learning appropriate hip mobility, and progressing week over week

    • This is the only portion definitely included in the replays sent out afterwards

  • up to a final 30 minutes afterward will be for Q+A, on the content covered or anything else that's relevant to the bulk of those attending

    • this is your best opportunity to get individual help even if you don't opt in to the extra TrueCoach support

Between classes, you'll be expected to apply the drill or two that you feel you most need and want to work on, 2 minutes twice a day.

Those 4 minutes a day are really were the magic happens, and as you stay consistent and experiment with new drills or variations you'll notice your mobility improving.

By the time we introduce the supported deep bodyweight squat at week 5, you'll be ready for it, even if squat is a 4-letter word to you right now.

This work will pay off it terms of:

  • reduced or resolved low back and knee pain

  • less overall stiffness, especially in the morning

  • improvement in athletic power

This class will run again, and be better next time with the lessons learned in this round.

You can help me refine the process at the same time I help you move and feel great again, and all you have to do is sign up at a crazy discount.

The program only is totally sliding scale, pay-what-you-can. If you're honestly committed, your effort and engagement is payment enough. If you're able to afford the suggested rate though, that's much appreciated.

The TrueCoach option is a 64% discount relative to what I'd normally charge for this level of coaching and accountability. This price will probably never be offered again, so take advantage now for a heck of a deal.

Looking forward to seeing you in class my friend!

In Peace, Love, and Strength,

Coach Double E

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Everything you need to Un-%^ck Your Hips and Upgrade Your Life this autumn

Program and live classes
$240 value
Optional package also includes:
6 weeks TrueCoach support
$225 value
30 min 1-on-1 session
$90 value
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Un-%^ck Your Hips 6-week System

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